Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Building a Game Table III

The work on this project has continued, despite not being able to do so as often as I'd like. Last weekend was a shopping expedition to get some of necessities, like stains, varnish, clasps, etc. Below are images of of the stain I picked out, General Finishes "Georgian Cherry" . Here it is on the red oak.

First applied and still wet, it looks great.

This is it after the first coat dried. I'm thinking of doing more than one coat to make it darker. The red is really nice.

Keeping an eye towards the future, I figured why not try it out on other woods. From left to right: walnut, cherry, mahogany. Personally, walnut is my favorite, though the the cherry stain on the cherry wood looks fantastic.

These are the hinges I'll be using for all of the flip drawers. They came from Spokane hardware with matching gold screws.

This is one of four outlets bought from amazon. Being able to plug in your devices from any seat at the table is going to be great. Sadly, when I looked into the electrical aspects I realized led strips are going to be a no go for this project. The strips I was going to buy come with an IR remote, which needs line of sight. Working in a switch mechanism or replacing the IR box with one that works on a radio frequency is beyond my knowledge, and currently I don't have the time to learn it before getting this table finished. It'll be something to aspire to for the future.

Bought four of these from Woodworker's Supply. They're to lock the butterfly leaf into the table once its unfolded.

For the legs I'm liking the idea of using these posts and cutting them to the right size.

This here is one of the cooler pieces. It's an Equalizer Slide . When installed, it allows for one person to expand the table by themselves. When one side is pulled, the gear opens the other side as well. Until next time!

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