Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Building a Game Table V


This time we're working on the top tier. Both table halves are all sanded and ready to go. Naturally, the next step was to flip 'em over and clamp 'em.


After a lot of measuring for precision to make sure the leaves were perfectly flush the equalizer slides were attached exactly where they're going to sit on the mounts in the table's bottom tier.

The pieces in between the clamps in the picture below are table leaf aligners, and like the name says, are used to make sure the leafs align properly every time they close.

A few test later of pulling the leaves apart and putting them back together satisfied me that things were aligned properly. So to keep the leaves from drifting while assembling the flip drawers the halves were temporarily nailed together.

Following one more flip to the top side, and a lot more careful measuring to make sure everything was square, the vault was assembled and screwed in. Now it's starting to look like a gamer table!

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